1 Active Robot
2 Air
3 Alcohol
4 Algae
5 Alien
6 Aluminimum
7 Amino Acids
8 Ammonites
9 Amphibians
10 Ants
11 Aquarium
12 Arthropods
13 Ash
14 Atom Battery
15 Atombomb
16 Bacteria
17 Banana
18 Bamboo
19 Bats
20 Bear
21 Beavers
22 Beehive
23 Bees
24 Beetles
25 Birds
26 Bread
27 Brick
28 Bronze
29 Butterflies
30 Cactus
31 Carbon
32 Carbon Dioxide
33 Cells
34 Cellulose
35 Cephalopods
36 Cereals
37 Chemical Rubbish
38 Chemical Waste
39 Chickens
40 Chicks
41 Chlorine
42 Chromium
43 Cinnabar
44 Clay
45 Clothes
46 Clouds
47 Cold
48 Compass
49 Compost
50 Container
51 Copper
52 Corals
53 Crabs
54 Crocodiles
55 CuZn Battery
56 Diamond
57 Dinosaurs
58 Dolphins
59 Dragonflies
60 Drunken Animal
61 Ducks
62 Dying Forest
63 Earth
64 Eel
65 Eggs
66 Electric Boiler
67 Electricity
68 Extremely Infectious Alien
69 Fern
70 Fertilizer
71 Fiber
72 Fire
73 Fish
74 Flies
75 Flour
76 Flowers
77 Flying Dinosaurs
78 Flying Fish
79 Fog
80 Forest
81 Freezer
82 Frogs
83 Frozen Alien
84 Fruit trees
85 Fruits
86 Fungi
87 Glass
88 Glowing Lightbulb
89 Grains
90 Grass
91 Gunpowder
92 Hamsters
93 Hares
94 HCl
95 Hedge
96 HNO2
97 HNO3
98 Honey
99 Honey Bee
100 Hummingbirds
101 Humus
102 Hydrochloric Acid
103 Hydrogen
104 Hydrothermal Vein
105 Ice
106 Incomplete Boiler
107 Incomplete Factory
108 Infected Animal
109 Insects
110 Iron
111 Jellyfish
112 Juice
113 Lead
114 Lettuce
115 Liana
116 Lightbulb
117 Lightning
118 Lint
119 Lizards
120 Loom
121 Magnet
122 Mammals
123 Marmots
124 Mercury
125 Metals
126 Methane
127 Mice
128 Millipedes
129 Minerals
130 Molluscs
131 Monkeys
132 Mosquitos
133 Moss
134 Mussels
135 Mutating Bacteria
136 Mutating plant
137 Nitric Acid
138 Nitrous Acid
139 NO2
140 Nuclear Boiler
141 Nuclear Power Station
142 Nuclear Waste
143 Octopus
144 Oil
145 Orchids
146 Oxygen
147 Palms
148 Paper
149 Paper Factory
150 Penguins
151 Plankton
152 Platypus
153 Plutonium
154 Poisoned Animal
155 Polar Bear
156 Polluted Earth
157 Potassium Nitrate
158 Rabbits
159 Radioactivity
160 Rain
161 Rats
162 Reed
163 Reptiles
164 Rice
165 Robot
166 Rodents
167 Salamanders
168 Salt
169 Salt water
170 Sand
171 Sandglass
172 Sandworms
173 Scorpions
174 Seagulls
175 Shrimps
176 Shrub
177 Slugs
178 Snails
179 Snakes
180 Snow
181 Sodium
182 Sodium Hyddroxide
183 Sodium Hyddroxide Solution
184 Spiders
185 Squirrels
186 Starfish
187 Steam
188 Steam Turbine
189 Steel
190 Stone
191 Stone Axe
192 Straw
193 Sugar
194 Sugar Cane
195 Sugar Water
196 Sulfur
197 Sulfur Dioxide
198 Sulfur Trioxide
199 Sulfuric Acid
200 Swamp
201 Swamp Chickens
202 Termites
203 Terrarium (A)
204 Terrarium (R)
205 Textile
206 Textile Factory
207 Thermometer
208 Thunderstorms
209 Toads
210 Tortoises
211 Tools
212 Trees
213 Trilobites
214 Tungsten
215 UFO
216 Undef. Dead Lifeform
217 Uranium
218 Vegetable Waste
219 Vinegar
220 Viruses
221 Volcano
222 Water
223 Water Turbine
224 Waterbirds
225 Watermammals
226 Whales
227 Wind
228 Wind Turbine
229 Wine
230 Wood
231 Wooden Fragments
232 Woodpeckers
233 Woodworms
234 Worms
235 Wormy Compost
236 Yarn
237 Zinc
238 ZnC Battery
Wow. I love to play that game but I am stuck. It would be nice if you could tell us how to make these objects, although I can tell it will be hard. But if you can, I would really appreciate it.